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Koharuchan Offline
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Name: Haru
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Re: How to Stay Christian in College - June 11th 2012, 03:17 AM

I am a Christian, and I think it's stupid bull.

I have a stricter view on sex than some people; I believe if you're going to have sex, it needs to be in a long term committed relationship. I don't have a set amount of time that has to pass before it's okay to have sex, because it depends on the couple and where they are in the relationship. But I do believe that sex is special, and you should be sure you love someone before you do it.

That being said, the whole "living together tells you nothing" is bull. For a lot of people, living together is the relationship's big test. For some couples, cohabitation can make or break the relationship. If you find out you can't live together after you're married, you're screwed.

And no, sex outside marriage sure as hell does not decay a relationship, by any means. Sex with the one you love is an act of love and pleasure; you don't have to have a piece of paper and a ring on your finger to make it okay. My boyfriend and I are sexually active, and we have a very healthy and loving relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything.

All the religious stuff surrounding sex and marriage just doesn't make sense to me. I could seriously go on and on here, but I don't have the time or patience at this point in time.

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