Re: How to Stay Christian in College -
June 11th 2012, 02:56 AM
To each his own? I don't agree with everything the author has said because I honestly don't believe that you need to be married to have a comitted relationship. I think there are a lot more important things that make for a comitted relationship than a piece of paper.
That being said; I do believe that sex is a very important and I am not someone who wants to jump into having sex. I want to know that I am in a comitted relationship before I comitt to something like that. But, does that mean I want to wait till marriage? I am not 100% sure.
"Sixth, sex outside of marriage isn't a sign of commitment."
I found this quote interesting (although I could probably tear apart a lot of the quotes you used) because marriage doesn't necessarily show a sign of committment either. There are a number of people who get married because it is expected of them etc.
So, instead of rambling and repeating myself, I am just going to say that I don't agree with what this person says but I suppose there are christians out there who do believe that sex before marriage ruins the sacredness of marriage of all that. And, that is why I say to each his own.