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Re: Random-ish question: Do you think being raped counts towards your virginity? - June 9th 2012, 05:46 AM

My first time was rape. Before I started having consensual sex, I would tell people that I was a virgin because I didn't want to talk about the rape. I didn't have a problem with it in a physical/medical context and it wasn't something I hid from my doctors or anything like that. But once I had consensual sex I no longer defined myself as a virgin.

I guess that for me it was kind of living a double life in between. Physically I knew I wasn't a virgin but emotionally and even socially I was. I think the social aspect of it is a huge thing I forgot, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who was nosy/had nosy friends in high school about who was having sex and who wasn't. :P

So my answer: you are no longer a physical virgin after rape. You are a virgin when it comes to consensual sexual intercourse -- whether it be an emotional statement of love or a heated one-night stand.
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