Canadian Bacon
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Name: Terry
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Re: Your religion in a nutshell. -
June 1st 2012, 06:02 PM
I failed at making the first part only 100 words, sorry 
1: In terms of religions with an actual God or gods as a central figure, I probably never will believe in a personified God(s), that being said I think the question to ask isn't whether God(s) exists or not, but moreso if he/they/she/it does, WHAT is God(s). I am open to a supernatural start to the universe, however, as there are enough weird things going on in space and just in general (see things such as black holes and relativity for example) to accept that the universe doesn't always make complete sense (in our own understanding of what makes sense, anyway). But then again maybe we just haven't discovered the sciences or simply aren't advanced enough in the ones we currently have, to explain what we don't yet understand.
Simply put, I don't, and don't claim to know anything so I don't genuinely have defined beliefs in terms of religion or spirituality. I've no reason to claim anything I personally hold to be true as fact, as there are a lot of things we don't yet understand in the universe and it'd be ludicrous to try and state my own beliefs over anyone else's as fact.
2: Sometimes pessimistic sometimes optimistic realist.
3: I tend to be indifferent.
Self pity will not rescue you.
Sometimes we have to save our own lives,
not because no one else cares, but because no one else can.
Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are.
Dreamed up the maps, give me the charcoal and the paper
We invent paths they cannot see, and they're too scared to walk
Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything.