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Le Papillon Offline
a secret you can keep
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Name: Samuel
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 30th 2012, 03:09 AM

please.. please come back soon. we need you here right now. me and andi and the rest. we really need you Christian. i heard that youll be coming back for next year, but we really need you now. although, its not like it matters since school gets out next week, and after that ill be by detroit.. but so much has happened since you left.. i dont know how much andis told you, or how much you know from others, but its been really hard for all of us. each and every one of us. theres been so much death... im so so so so so so so sorry Christian.. please, just, come back soon, okay? and talk to me over the summer. please..

formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
Repose en Paix, Grandad/mom H., Sito, Nay, Mary, Aunt S., Peter, Katie, Lexi, Mrs. Radoye, Mandii, Trevor, Megan, Uncle T., Erika, Aunt R., Braxton, Connie, Adam, Grandpa, Buttons, Aunt Barb, Pi, Grandma ♥
The world will bleed its bloody tale. People will throw their stones. But the one thing you must always remember is:
You no longer walk alone.
-Blake Bliss
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