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Drenn Offline
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Name: Matthew
Age: 29
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Not a great birthday... - May 29th 2012, 08:42 PM

I skipped my first period dissection in bio, which oddly isn't because I have problems with actually dissecting a rat, but I'm just so horrible at taking SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS. I never do things quite right. And I get the typical feeling that people are waiting for me to make a mistake, which can't be true. But even though I skipped I felt too bad to do anything. I skipped for no good reason, I'm still not really sure why I did it, just general anxiety I suppose...

I doubt I'll be getting nice presents, since I didn't ask for anything in particular. I have tons of video games, too many, I shouldn't want them for the sake of newness... I don't know what I want. And I've still got summatives to do for school. Yeah... this isn't my favorite birthday so far. It seems to me birthdays aren't so important as they used to be.