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mindflower Offline
what the hell is a FixYou♥
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Re: I'm happy today because... - May 28th 2012, 07:56 PM

last nite= first night I've felt actually good.
Around 9:00pm I went outside and started drawing.
I drew a stargazer lily, me and my guyfriend in a bed (heehee) with the lyrics to "Fix You" on the side, me and my best friend naked and doing something sexual, a jellyfish with a quote from "seven pounds" on the side, an eye, a person in fetal position, and two hands with plants all over them.
It was so nice outside, and soon it got dark. My family all went inside but I stayed out. Actually, no, I went inside, put on a really pretty flowy dress, got some oreos and oil pastels, and went back outside. I colored the pictures under the stars. I felt pretty. I felt good.
I texted my guyfriend and told him that I felt happy and free. I started doing cartwheels around my yard and then swung really high on the swings. I spun arounjd and sang and watched the stars and felt really really free.
I cried happy tears and I didn't feel so worthless.
I stayed outside until maybe midnight, texting him and just feeling unstoppable :')
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