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rescueisnotamyth Offline
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Name: kaylyn
Age: 31
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Location: northern indiana

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Join Date: February 14th 2009

Re: Dirty Little Secrets. - March 21st 2009, 01:03 AM

you made me cry and i felt alive because of it
you told me to pray and i didn't want to because i was afraid of what He would tell me
today when i was hyper i wanted people to ask if i was okay just so i could say "heck yes!! i've never been better!" but now i'm not okay
i just want you to ask me if i'm okay, then take me by the shoulders and make me tell you the truth
i wish that bus would come up on the sidewalk
you really don't understand
i'm tired of talking to you because i feel like both of us are lying
i just want him to ask me out so that i can finally say yes
i want to cut tonight, and i want to cut deep
i want to cut even though everyone will notice
i want to cut so deep that they take all night to stop bleeding.
i want you to see the cuts.
i want you to see the scars on my wrist and ask me about them.
i want someone to tell my parents just so they're scared of what i might do to myself
i want people to know because i'm not perfect...
sometimes i use "bad" language so you'll notice and think about me.
sometimes i pull up my sleeves when you walk past me, so that if you look at the right time, you'll see.

I need you Jesus
To come to my rescue
Where else can I go?

el rescate no es un mito