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Name: Cheye
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Location: Nevada
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Join Date: August 22nd 2010
Music Styles Elimination Game -
May 25th 2012, 11:03 AM
Okay so a few years ago I saw this on another site and I love it. I'll explain how to play below and at the very bottom is the game haha.
How To Play:
Okay so you start with category, like this one is Music Styles (one category per thread), and the person starting it lists as many things as they want to in that category (as you'll see below), every single one starts with a [10] beside it (or whatever base number the OP decides on [it can be 5, 10 15, 20, 7, whatever the OP wants as a base number]), and when you post, you copy the list, but add 1 point to the thing you like best in the category, and subtract 1 from the thing you like least. You can do this more than once, but not in a row, another person must post after you. So just look below and you'll see that all but two will have 10 points, and 1 of the 2 will have 11, and the other will have 9, due to my vote. And if you do vote a second time, you can choose different things for your favorite and least favourite. When an item on the list hits zero, we remove it from the list entirely, it cannot come back. When the last person posts their vote getting rid of the last option and leaving a winning thing, the game is over.
Classical [10]
Classic Rock [10]
Rock and Roll [10]
Metal [11]
Punk [10]
Grunge [10]
Screamo [10]
Pop [10]
Hip Hop [10]
Rap [9]
R & B [10]
Jazz [10]
Acoustic [10]
Country [10]
Techno [10]
Dubstep [10]
Resident old person, back from much needed, multiple year hiatus.
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