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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - May 17th 2012, 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by notwhoithinkiam View Post
Why do women feel the need to give mixed messages?
It's less of a woman thing and more of a human thing. Both genders send mix signals all the time and there are numerous of reasons for it. Some people do it by accident and were just trying to be nice, some people do it because they have mixed feelings and aren't always sure on how they feel, some people do it because they are insecure/shy about showing their feelings, some people do it because they like the attention/negatively take our their insecurities out on others, blah blah ect ect ect. I could list all the numerous of possibilities all day long.

Basically, overall, it is very human to send mixed signals and it happens. If you are afraid you are sending mixed signals, just confront the person and be straight forward with them. If someone else is sending mixed signals, do the same, confront them and ask them how they feel. The best way to any healthy type of relationship (whether it's friendship or dating) is communications.

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