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Name: Laura
Age: 32
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Re: But What If I Don't WANT To Go To College? - May 15th 2012, 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by Stiena View Post
Okay, perhaps I should be more specific. I have no desire to go to a uni with dorms and such. I want to go there to hurry up and study, get my degree, and leave. There are absolutely no "experiences" I want from college. I want my degree and then I want to leave and do my own thing. I'm considering the online schooling. It all depends... My home life is crap and I'm not moving away from the only family I have.
Ohhh!! Well in that case, I highly recommend online classes! I don't know what options you have where you live, but around here community college is usually the best and most affordable way to start out online. For-profit online programs can be good sometimes, but make sure they are accredited and are reasonably priced. That way, you can go at your own pace, but know that you are working toward a degree that will help you once you are done. (Be wary of programs such as University of Phoenix, Art Institute, ITT Tech, etc. These are not all bad, but in a lot of cases it is a high cost for an average reward.)

Feel free to PM me. I am not an expert but I might be able to answer questions about the online classes experience, etc. Best of luck to you!

"How dare I? Because it is the truth." -Jane Eyre

"You do what you love, and f#%* the rest." -Little Miss Sunshine