Sorry if there was a post on this already, I didn't look and to lazy too. But I am curious how or when did you find out.. I will tell mine,
Okay when I was about 7 I felt like I should be a guy for some reason so I changed how I looked and I guess how I acted but I was already acting like that but anyways like around 9 years I got past at that so I guess it was just a phase. But when I got into grade 3, I really liked this girl and we were friends, but I did know that I was looking at her differently and my attraction to boys was just not there and I was so confused, so I just didn't bother it. Now was I was in grade 5, and I finally knew I was Lesbian or I thought I was. And when it was grade six I started liking girls a lot, and maybe one guy. Now grade eight I am questioning my gender again and I notice that I am bisexual. so yeah thats it I hope this makes sense cuz I have bad grammar