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i_like_black Offline
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Name: Jess
Age: 36
Gender: Boobs and pubes
Location: Right here.

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Join Date: February 23rd 2010

Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up? - May 11th 2012, 01:16 PM

When I was a kid I wanted to be an Olympic Gymnast. No shit, I read about Nadia Comaneci, and was like, I'm the next her.
Unfortunately I had a serious head-injury at 10 which put paid to that one.

I also wanted to be an artist, or a musician, or join the army.
I did music all through high-school and was offered early entrance to university for a BMus majoring in composition (who doesn't want to write film scores?), but turned it down because I was *also* offered early entry into a private art school, which I accepted. I later dropped out.
As for joining the army, I applied, with the intention of playing in the New Zealand Army Band, but was turned down because apparently I would not be mentally fit for combat. (I play saxophone mainly, and I'm great at it.)

Still living gymnastics though. I'm a gymnastics coach, I coach competitive MAG. I'm also a MAG judge.
I've got an incomplete B.A. in Psychology and English because at around about 20 years old I realised I need a realistic career. The psychology is because I'd like to be a neuropsychologist, the english is because I'm good at it, and a one year PGDipTchng is all I'd need for a sweet job to support my whilst I do my Masters. Also, you can travel with teaching.

Currently just being a professional procrastinator.
Although I'd also like to spend time being a bus driver, a long haul trucker, or a tattoo designer. It's clear from my avatar that I have no shortage of talent :P