Condom Queen
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Traci
Age: 32
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 7,405
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Join Date: October 29th 2009
Re: Does being trans ruins kids? -
May 2nd 2012, 09:47 AM
Hey there,
I am not trans* so my advice cannot be as good as somebody who is actually experienced, however, I want to offer the best I can. One, I'm wondering do you want to be a PARENT right now? Not a dad, just a parent? Because if so, I'm going to let you know in no way do I think that a trans* person cannot raise a normal, healthy child. I think that you can, without having to be somebody that you're not. Children are accepting, and you can tell your child the truth when they're older, just as "regular" parents talk to their children about sex. But until then, what's wrong with children growing up with two moms? There isn't anything wrong with it.
I must ask, I'm slightly confused upon your intersex/trans* situation, and I apologize for asking if it is a sensitive topic for you, but what type of intersex were you born with? I've taken a bit in Sexuality studies in which we studied intersexuality, and while I am no replacement for a psychologist (which I recommend you seek), I can at least give you some statistics and information about your syndrome in regards to pregnancy and trans* issues in order to help you further. If you're uncomfortable answering, totally fine!
Overall, I don't think you need to fit some gender binary to be a good parent. I think you can be a great mom, father, or whatever parent you want to be, if that's what you want to do. If you're not ready to be a parent, I would recommend talking to your partner, and working something out.
something burning?
