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Name: Nicole
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Re: First Online Dating Experience... -
April 30th 2012, 12:05 AM
We're not in a relationship, yet. At least as far as I'M concerned, we're not. Don't know about his eyes. I don't know about his, but as far as I'm concerned I'm free to look at other guys. 
Yeah, he was already bringing up MARRIAGE, oh boy... I just met you, and he wants to talk about marriage. Some of it I think it is pressure on his parents' part. He told me he's the only guy in his generation, so he's the only one who can carry on his family name. Which is a pretty lame reason to rush into marriage/having kids.
Well, he met me at my apartment and my friend was already here. And my best friend's a guy, so yeah, that probably made it a little awkward for him. Though, I'd already told him upfront that my best friend was a guy and he seemed cool with that. He was really nervous, both my friend and I picked up on that. But that should have given him even a better incentive to dress to "impress" me. Don't know what was going through his head.
He said he's been on a couple other dates, and the girls were all dressed like he was. O.O Interesting girls he's gone out with.. I guess I am kind of girly.
We connected well on the phone, just not in person. :/ We talked for 2 hours on two separate nights.
I guess that's the wonder of online dating... you'd think that if you can talk online, you'd get along well in person. Though, I've had situations where I connect well in person but the person annoys the heck out of me in an online conversation (mainly due to the lack-of grammar knowledge). I guess I should look for the ones who don't know proper grammar, opposed to the ones who are grammar-fanatics like me. 
Although would you find it strange that I WASN'T nervous at all? Normally I get nervous when I meet someone for the first time, but I was completely myself around him... I acted like I was hanging out with any guy friend.
"You say you're all dark and twisty. It's not a flaw, it's a strength. It makes you who you are."
~ Derek, Grey's Anatomy
Last edited by Dark-and-Twisty; April 30th 2012 at 12:13 AM.