Originally Posted by Tyr.
Combatives FM 21-150
That is field manual 21-150. The internationally accepted standard for hand to hand combatives. Throughout the rest of the manual it continually stresses that physical size and strength are not directly related to winning the fight. Physical strength and size is certainly not mentioned in the basic principles of hand to hand combat.
So why are you so obsessed with the size of the two people here? That's all you want to discuss. Size. You are beyond obsessed with it. My previous posts were to do with the psychology of killing - I have not mentioned size in either of those posts.
As I said far earlier in the thread, size has little bearing on the outcome of a fight. Mindset, technical ability and experience are all far more important in the world of combat. You don't seem to understand that, but I somehow doubt you have ever been involved in that world.
Good riddance.
- Tyr
this is in war and trained soldier not children who are too young to even be citizens.
That's not the same thing. And if this is how you think you can support the My Lai massacre...
Just saying...