Originally Posted by Maverick.
It is a racist issue. If Trayvon was white would he have gotten killed? No. Whether you have a violent mentality or not, if you are a young black male, you are seen as a threat.
I don't really see them as a threat anymore I did back in MI but that was because most of them I presume are from Detroit and Chicago and they present themselves in a certain way. Being male and black to me I mean doesn't give someone magical powers anymore than any other male they all can be intimidating well to me at least but to another man I don't know that perception. I'd think it would be the same as skin color does not create more mass or any other types of stregnths more than anyone else. But really I don't really care how he looked because he didn't seem to have been that much of a threat imo... It to me doesn't have to do with race because not everyone sees that if someone