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Lorelei Offline
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Name: Laura
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Location: in my own thoughts

Posts: 498
Points: 14,830, Level: 17
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Join Date: January 6th 2009

Re: What does your religion (or lack there of) bring to your life? - January 10th 2009, 05:05 PM

It hasn't changed me as a person to go from Christian to Agnostic. The only difference is that I feel more like an individual. I feel more free. I'm happy about my beliefs (or lack thereof.)

I'm still an ethical person. I try to be forgiving, trustworthy, and honest. I try to support other people, and I try to make good choices.

"How dare I? Because it is the truth." -Jane Eyre

"You do what you love, and f#%* the rest." -Little Miss Sunshine