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survivor16 Offline
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Re: Anorexia:Recovery? Not. - April 25th 2012, 04:11 PM

First, I'm very sorry you are feeling this way. I know first hand what it feels like to not feel good enough.

I agree with the above posts, getting help is the best thing for you. Dont let yourself fade away. Talk to someone about how you are feeling and that you need help again.
Again, it's not as much gaining weight as it is talking about the feelings you have toward food.

You can get better if you give it another shot and really give it your all.
I know you dont want to feel like this anymore, and you dont have to. The road to recover is not easy but it's so worth it!

I hope that you talk to your parents or a trusted adult and explain how you are still struggling since being out of treatment.
This is a serious thing and it shouldn't be taken lightly!

I hope this helped, message me anytime!