I know this is a bit off topic, but ill put this here anyway. I was bullied horribly in secondary school, from year seven to year eleven. Anyway, one day i was walking home from school with a couple of mates and several of the bullies were walking behind us taunting me and spitting at me. We walked past a set of railings as they were still projecting mucas in my direction, suddenly out of nowhere i just snapped. From all the years of bullying i had endured, it was pretty understandable of my reaction. Without thinking, i quickly took my coat off and gave it to my mate. Turning around i just charged at the ringleader of the group who had been the worst offender throughout the years. I smashed him so hard in the mouth that he went down like a sack of spuds, then in a fit of rage i just kept laying into him whilst his mates backed off. With him laying on the ground with blood pouring from his nose, mouth and several cuts i had given him during the beating, i quickly got up and resumed walking down the road with my mates. They were very understanding and patted me on the back for it. Luckily this was the last day of school before GCSE'S started. When i came back for my exams, he was nowhere to be seen. It turns out that i gave him such a fright, he decided to not show his face around me anymore.
I felt fucking proud after that
He still avoids me to this day

I ran into him the other week and as soon as he saw me, crossed the street so quickly that i thought he was going to create a smoke trail behind him lol
Anyway, to awnser your question - I would be more pissed off if it was behind my back.