Re: Raising children into religion. -
April 19th 2012, 10:49 AM
If I ever have children (highly unlikely), they will be raised with a moral code - such as, you don't like to be hurt so don't hurt others sort of thing - but no religion.
We all accept the basics - treating all living things with respect and so forth - and that is how my children will be raised.
They will also be raised highly educated, with as much knowledge as their minds can handle.
Religion is a matter of faith, not anything solid, so when they are older - closer to teenagers I guess - then philosophy and religion may come into it, but only if they bring it up themselves. I do not believe that religion is necessary to raise children who are hard working and conscientious, in fact I have seen many children raised in non-religious homes who are far more morally and ethically aware than those from religious homes, because those from non-religious homes have been taught to question things and reason things out for themselves.
Yup. But I don't think there's particularly any right or wrong way to raise a child.
(I was raised in a home that was apparently Christian . . . what a joke.)