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Dr.Bobby Offline
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Re: My girlfriend never wants to have sex... - April 14th 2012, 12:52 AM


This isn't about you, or her attraction to you, or you being 'boring', or anything else, necessarily. Try to take your ego out of it and you might be able to work with her..and tolerate not getting what you want. Something's going on for her, don't bring your feelings into it just yet. That's why she's snapping at you, you're making this about you, instead of her. You need to find out what's changed, what's wrong.

People's sex habits change a lot, and there are many reasons for this...and ONE of them is you. The rest are about her, or things she's going thru, her life, her feelings, her needs, etc.

I'd take a giant step back here and just be with her and enjoy her as you did before you added sex, and when both of you are back in the swing of just being together and enjoying each other, you can begin to bring up the change. She's aware of it, too, but maybe she's not comfortable discussing whatever personal issues that caused the change and might have absolutely nothing to do with you and your ego.

PM me with the link of the post you'd like me to respond to.