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Name: Eyeliner Failure
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Re: Do I have an eating disorder? - April 13th 2012, 09:56 AM

Becci, it sounds like you've been getting brilliant advice, so I'm just mainly going to address your last concern about the support groups.

Eating Disorders, regardless of what category they fit into, are serious. A lot of support groups out there ARE for Anorexia and Bulimia, but only because they are the most "well known" if you like. A lot of the traits of BED are actually found in Bulimics, the two conditions are similar apart from bulimics purge. Any support site that works on the basis of "You have to be anorexic or bulimic to visit or we aren't giving you support" has the completely wrong idea. You aren't alone in suffering from this, no way. I'm going to send you a link to the BEAT website. It's a website designed to provide information and support for those suffering from any types of Eating Disorder.

A quick note on who you can tell- anyone you really trust. Maybe one day when you're at collage, have a quick chat with a trusted teacher? You've mentioned the school councilor isn't an option, but what about going to the doctors and being referred to a therapist? If you're in the UK like me (which I think you are) you should be entitled to free health care, and therefore shouldn't have to pay anything for this service.

Good Luck Becci. You aren't ever alone. I know you can beat this. You can win. I'm always here if you ever need anyone to talk to, and I'm sending big hugs your way

- Laura

Take as long as you need.