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Harmony♥ Offline
Proud Military Girlfriend
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Re: My friend is pregnant...for the third time. - April 10th 2012, 02:42 AM

The decision on whether or not to tell her boyfriend is entirely up to her. However, you can steer her in the right direction. A secret is only a secret for so long, and as much as we'd like to try, a pregnancy isn't something that is going to go unnoticed. If she is already several weeks pregnant, but you aren't sure of how far along she is, it could only be a matter of time before she begins showing at this point, which makes the chances of having an abortion (if that's what she would like to do) lower. Woman can only have an abortion within the first trimester of their pregnancy. Having one done after that is very rare, and unheard of and is only done for medical reasons only (usually if the mothers life is in danger).

If both of her previous children have been adopted, I'd try to steer her in that same direction. Obviously, she CAN care for this child because she is old enough, but it's best to let her think on her own what decision she wants to make. You just need to be there for her.

Offer to sit with her when she tells her mom. Like I said, it's not going to be kept hidden for very long, and she needs to tell her mother before she begins to show. It won't be so surprising then.

I'd also talk to her about the different forms of birth control. It doesn't sound like she's very educated on different types of contraception, especially if this is her third time getting pregnant within just a few years.

I may wear the glass slippers; But my hero wears combat boots <3 I love you, Lieutenant

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