Thread: Abortion?
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Re: Abortion? - April 8th 2012, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by dani99 View Post
If she did all of that knowing she was pregnant, technically she would be the one to blame for any damage done to the fetus/baby. If she had no idea she was pregnant, then she just didn't know and she can't be blamed.

And I still stand where I believe she should give her child a chance at life. I don't see who would have the guts to actually go through with it. I'd rather die than abort my baby. I can't see how every woman doesn't feel the same. A mother's love for a child should be enough to not want an abortion.

Not to mention abortions can be risky and it is said that there is a higher risk of breast cancer in women who get abortions. Notice how I said "it is said", because I don't fully know how the two are linked, but I'm going on based on what I've heard and read on abortions.

I have been sexually assaulted, thank you. I wasn't pregnant by it, but if I had been I most definitely would have not aborted my child.
Danielle, have you ever been pregnant? Or more importantly, have you ever had an unwanted pregnancy? Because unless you have, I do not see how you can 100% know how you would feel. Who are you to say that a mother's love should be enough when you have never been in that situation? There are plenty of young women on this site alone who have gone through with abortions after being raped, being left by their boyfriends, for fear of being disowned by their families, and a million other reasons. How can you say that you won't bash people for their opinions and then make such ignorant, guilt-tripping statements?

You do not know how you would feel if you were pregnant. I hate to break it to you, but many women do not feel an automatic connection to their child. If you were pregnant, you may not automatically love your child.

I also have to ask: are you vegan? You keep going on about how life is precious, but are you just talking about human life?

And also, what is your opinion on miscarriages? Do you think we should start blaming women for killing their children if they miscarry? Where do we draw the line? There are heaps of contradicting guidelines for what you can/can't do while pregnant. If a woman eats something that may be bad for pregnancies, do you think that make her an immoral person?

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