Thread: Abortion?
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Re: Abortion? - April 8th 2012, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by dani99 View Post
Also, Carl, have you ever seen "The Silent scream"? It's of a fetus at 12 weeks being aborted and it struggles and moves around violently to try to escape the tools being used, and the fetus' heartbeat gradually speeds up. It can feel fear.

Maybe you should research the piece of old pro-life propaganda you use before you actually use it...
Richard Berkowitz, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai Medical Center, described the Silent Scream as "factually misleading and unfair". John Hobbins of the Yale School of Medicine called the film's use of special effects deceptive, a form of "technical flimflam." He pointed out that the film of the ultrasound is initially run at slow speed, but that it is sped up when surgical instruments are introduced to give the impression that "the fetus is thrashing about in alarm."

Fetal development experts argued that, contrary to Nathanson's assertion in the film, a fetus cannot perceive danger or make purposeful movements. David Bodian, a neurobiologist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, stated that doctors had no evidence that a twelve-week-old fetus could feel pain, but noted the possibility of a reflex movement by a fetus in response to external stimuli such as surgical instruments. The size of the ultrasound image and of the fetus model used was also misleading, appearing to show a fetus the size of a full-term baby, while in actuality a twelve-week-old fetus is under two inches long
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