Thread: Abortion?
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Re: Abortion? - April 8th 2012, 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by dani99 View Post
No, I'm not pro-choice. I know it won't become illegal so I'm not going to going around saying it should be illegal. I still personally think it's messed up. I still think it's wrong. If I could make it illegal, I would. But I can't, and I can't make them make it illegal.

Also, not every child ends up in poverty. Not every child starves. You say it like every child will end up like that.
First, I say I'm pro-choice.

Second, you just completely contradicted yourself. In the post you made before this, you said you don't think it should be made illegal. Now, you say you would make it illegal if you could. Make up your mind.

Finally, third. I am strongly against pro-life. No, I do not like abortions. I would never get one unless I absolutely had no other choice, and even then I would cry my eyes out because I would be losing my child. I would be so scarred. I do not like abortion at all. However, I'm not going to say crazy things like it should be illegal; it can't be made illegal. People will be taking coat hangers and trying to perform home abortions and they'll seriously injure or even kill themselves. All because a bunch of pro-life people don't want a fetus that isn't even potentially a living thing yet to die. I honestly don't know whether or not I believe life begins at conception. All I know is, if I was pregnant, from the moment I found out I would love that little fetus inside me. And I would never get rid of it unless I had no choice.

Think about, put yourself in someone else's shoes for a minute. If you were pregnant, and being pregnant was endangering your life, if you were going to die if you carried that baby to term, would you abort it, or wouldn't you?

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