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  (#5327 (permalink)) Old
Chelley Offline
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Age: 33
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 28th 2012, 06:06 AM

You talked behind my back to my friends about how i never talk to you. i gave you a chance to talk to me about this; you didnt. you never talk to me. i try my hardest to make converstation; and you never hold it. you always give me short answers. so you like this one girl that i dont like. so what?! im not some shallow little child, im not 7. IDC. lets be friends, i used to think. now you're looking more and more like a bitch everyday. so guess what? idc anymore. go ahead sink. i've tried and tried to train you and help you out and be your friend; and you've completely rejected me. so im done. since you wont listen to a word i have to say; fine go ahead and sink and get fired. not my problem.
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