Originally Posted by Dr.Bobby
Caliber, you know, I don't have a dog in this fight. It is curious to me how people take a relatively ambiguous situation and come to such strong conclusions, in the absence of clear data. That says much more about us, and it's an opportunity to learn something about yourself. Why are you more able to understand the perspective and actions of Zimmerman, who by all accounts instigated the confrontation, instead of the victim?
Because he was also a victim?
I can't wait for the truth to come out about this whole Zimmerman/Martin bullshit.
Fucking hypocritical idiots running wild attacking Zimmerman and digging through his personal life and getting mad every time someone even mentions something about Trayvon's life, when in fact neither factor from either of their lives matter in the slightest.
Do racially motivated killings happen? Yes. Do they happen both ways? (white on black and black on white, black on brown, brown on black) You bet your ass they do.
I'm not going to sit here and talk about all of the recent times white people have been killed or raped or abused because of the color of their skin, because it doens't fucking matter. It has nothing to do with the case at hand.
As this thing starts to boil down, as the racially charged rhetoric burns away and the facts come out, it's becoming apparently clear what this was.
Two people in the wrong place at the wrong time, reacting to something they thought was a genuine threat.
Was Zimmerman too aggressive? Yes.
Did he have a right to question Trayvon? Yes.
Did Trayvon have a right to approach and question why he was being followed? Yes.
However, the line gets drawn when Trayvon decided he was going to attack and attempt to knock out and or kill Zimmerman. He had no right to do that, because while Zimmerman was being accosting, there is nothing that says he didn't have the right to question him.
And that's the plain and simple issue. You don't have the right to physically attack anyone. You have the right to defend yourself, but instigating a physical confrontation is not defense. Obviously we don't know for sure who started the fight, but from the witness testimony and the evidence provided, signs clearly point to Trayvon having started the fight.
Zimmerman was on the ground screaming for help having his skull beaten in, and then he shot Trayvon in self defense.
It's a shitty situation, but that's what happened.
Anyone who brings race or politics into it is a hypocrite of the highest order, because you aren't looking for justice, you're looking to use the incident for your own agenda.
So, lets all shut the fuck up and wait for the proper authorities to make the decision.