My girlfriend says she wants a break. -
March 26th 2012, 10:04 PM
Hey everyone,
My girlfriend of a year and a few months just came out of the blue yesterday saying that she thinks we should take a break. She says she just needs some time to think about what she wants and where she is in her life right now. She says she feels gulity because she doesn't spend enough time with me, but we work opposite shifts, she works days and I work afternoons. She always stays at my house when she has the next day off and sometimes she will stay and I will take her to work in the morning. She says she loves me and she could not love someone as much as me. Also, she says she wants to be with me and I'm the only one she sees herself being with in the future. We have never really had any big problem in our relationship. We have our little arguements from time to time like any other relationship, but nothing really that bad. I really love this girl, she has completely turned my life around. (Ex. Gotten me off drugs, hepled me get a good job, etc.) She really means the world to me. I've been searching around the interent too see what I should do and everyone has been saying I need to give her the time, so I told her I would like to sit down with her tonight and talk about what we should do. I'm hoping maybe some of you can give me a couple ideas on what I should say to her, and maybe calm my nerves a little bit by saying this will just make our relationship stronger and she will always want to be with me. Any advice would be very greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!