Originally Posted by Maloo
And to the people who say "stuff like this happens all the time": Do you not realize that that's not fucking okay? Shit like this shouldn't EVER happen. Brushing it off just makes you look like an ignorant person who's content with the world's problems.
I personally don't get why this case is getting so much national attention, but I DO realize that it's not okay. I'm not content with the world's problems. The world we live in pretty much sucks, and that's the truth. But really think about this. Kids get shot and killed every day. A lot of times, the murderer isn't caught or doesn't get charged. Does it suck? Absolutely. But this case is just another one of those shootings; a kid got killed, and the culprit hasn't been charged. Yes, this stuff shouldn't happen, but it does. That is never going to change. I just don't understand why this one particular case is so special that it's got the whole country stirred up.