Originally Posted by Dr.Bobby
Ben, laws are designed to prevent people from being idiots. Not encourage idiotic behavior, especially when the result can be lethal. This isn't a case of self defense, Zimmerman was not being threatened.
Laws are designed to punish people who do bad things. It doesn't really curb stupidity. If it did, we wouldn't be clamoring for more Jersey Shore while NASA gets bare-bone funding.
Originally Posted by Dr.Bobby
Let's not become so calloused that we miss the essential fact here: A totally innocent person is now dead b/c there is a law on the books that allows people to play cop without any training or qualifications to do so.
Actually, an innocent person is dead because Zimmerman as an idiot. The law is fine, because you see, if he's found to have acted without a justified reason for self defense (which most likely will happen), then he goes to jail, and justice is served.