Thread: Triggering: Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman
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Re: Trayvon Martin - March 25th 2012, 07:24 PM

There's just so much here...

First, there's a law in Florida (actually, in many states) that gives people the legal right to shoot to kill in the name of 'Self defense'. This rescinds prior laws of 'Safely retreating' in the face of such threats. Also, there are no criteria establishing what constitutes 'Imminent threat'. Basically, it's shoot first, ask questions later. What could go wrong?

Second, Zimmerman was part of a self styled 'Neighborhood watch' (read: Vigilante) group. He had no training in law enforcement and no authority to police the neighborhood. What could go wrong?

Third, Trayvon was doing nothing at the time that was remotely suspicious and surely not 'Threatening'. Other than being black and wearing a hoodie in a predominantly white neighborhood. What could go wrong?

Fourth, when Zimmerman called 911 to report Trayvon, the operator told him directly that he didn't need to do this. Zimmerman ignored this request by law enforcement. What could go wrong?

Fifth, Zimmerman was not arrested b/c under the 'Stand your ground' law, he did nothing illegal. The law supports this behavior, therefore, he is not subject to immediate arrest. The outrage is that murder here is basically protected. What would need to happen is a demonstration that Zimmerman acted not out of 'Imminent threat', but rather from other motives. To no avail for Trayvon, however.

What needs to be comprehensively addressed is how these types of laws are passed in the first place, and a recognition that they are not at all in the public good. Until then, the least we can do is recognize that although 'Things happen', we do not need to perpetuate a culture that not only makes them more likely, but also dismisses them.

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