Re: Trayvon Martin -
March 25th 2012, 05:46 PM
I just don't believe that it was self defense. First of all why the heck was Zimmerman following the kid to begin with, because he was a black kid in a hoodie he hadn't seen before? And if you were a kid walking alone at night and saw some creepy guy with a gun following you what would you do? I think it's perfectly possible that Zimmerman did NOT stop following the kid and the kid got freaked out, maybe saw the gun, and was acting in his own defense when he was hitting Zimmerman. No matter what it's a tragedy, but it's a tragedy that could have been avoided if Zimmerman hadn't been such a busybody.
"For Ignorance killed the cat, Curiosity was framed." -Caitlin McGrath
"For this thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford
"But the music's so happy!" -Little Sally: Urinetown
"If our own policies aren't supporting equality then what are we fighting for?"- Kathy Griffin