Originally Posted by Megan1
The bible says that anyone who believes in anything other than the fact that Jesus is Lord and died and rose again to pay the penalty for our sins believes in a false God. So for Christians, that's why.
I agree, but I have to point out, in the Gospels, Christ said many will come to Heaven not knowing they're saved. However, He lets them in because they did the will of His Father. Therefore, to say only those who consciously believe in something are the only ones who will be saved, is quite an err. It is very possible for people to believe and not know, just as it is possible to not believe but think you do. It's rather harmful to our own soul to be quite judgmental. It's better, rather, to hope in Him who judges rightly, and in the meantime, continue in Love. After all, the greatest is Love, it covers a multitude of sins.
And it is through their Love that we recognize them as Disciples.