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Name: Eyeliner Failure
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Re: i cant stop cutting . -
March 21st 2012, 07:40 PM
Have you ever tried to think of it a different way? That having an arm without fresh cuts is a positive thing, not a negative thing. It means you've been strong enough to resist the urge to cut, and that's something to be proud of. But if you hate having bare arms, have you tried the butterfly project? More information is on the alternatives thread, but basically you draw a butterfly on your arm and if you cut the butterfly it dies, and if you manage to let the butterfly fade away naturally, then you've let it live and it will fly away, and you should reward yourself. Just something to try Also drawing on your arm with red ink or paint gives the illusion of blood if that's what you miss. I don't cut but I have a friend that does and she says it helps her
Good luck and stay strong <3
Take as long as you need.