Originally Posted by PSY
While it couldn't hurt to see someone and receive an assessment (not just for ADD/ADHD, but learning disorders in general), I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that taking "concentration pills" will solve your problem. It's actually pretty common to get distracted when you're doing something that's not interesting to you. Bribing yourself obviously won't work if you don't stick with it. Isolating yourself from distractions won't always work, if the problem is that you're bored - being isolated will just make you even more bored! What may help you is to focus - really focus - on what your goals are, and what the consequences are for not completing your assignments in a timely manner. As you grow older, you become better at disciplining yourself. Lacking discipline isn't the same thing as having ADD/ADHD or a learning disorder.
I am definitely gonna focus more on my goals. I think that will help. I may have ADD.