Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant -
March 11th 2012, 06:42 PM
First of all, it's normal for periods to be off balance when you're young. Stress and worry can alter when you have it, so it may be why you're late for your period. If he didn't cum, then you most likely aren't pregnant because it's impossible to get pregnant if there isn't any cum involved when you have sex.
If you truely are worried, then wait about 10 days to 2 weeks (it varries woman to woman how early you can tell) and take another test.
A UTI can't affect a period in anyway. In the future, have protected sex to prevent this worry. But you're most likely just stressed, so try to calm down and your period will probably come soon. Also, tender breasts can be a sign that your period is coming up soon. My breats get tender and sore about a few days to a week before my period, so that's probably why they feel that way.
I know I've heard, but I don't know if it's true, but having sex can possibly make your period a little late. It's happened to me before. I remember the first time I had sex my period was 3 weeks late and I was 14 at the time. So, I wouldn't sweat it.
Just a girl with an angel above, just a girl with an angel to love. My angel grew wings and she did dare to fly. But I promise my angel, it's only good night but never good-bye. My angel, my angel in heaven above. My angel, my darling, you'll always have my love. Rest in peace, my sweet darling, it's only temporary that we part. My angel, my angel, how you still do steal my heart </3
