Re: Difference between implantation bleeding and periods? -
March 8th 2012, 07:19 PM
Woman CAN bleed during their pregnancy. For some women, they don't know they are pregnant until they are about 6-12 weeks into their pregnancy, because they mistook implantation bleeding as their period. However, it isn't uncommon to experience some bleeding during pregnancy. If it's light, it's okay. If the bleeding is heavy during your pregnancy, you'll have to consult a doctor because something could be wrong (like a miscarriage taking place or a tear in the placenta).
Now, if you had unprotected sex today, it really depends on when implantation bleeding begins. It depends on whether or not she's ovulating, and how quickly the sperm can make it's way to the egg and even if the egg will be fertilized. Just because you have unprotected sex doesn't mean pregnancy will result, it just means the chances of pregnancy are quite high.
If you're worried that your girlfriend might be pregnant, again, the answers to your questions aren't going to vary much. She needs to take a pregnancy test in order to find out for sure. WE CANNOT TELL YOU IF SHE'S PREGNANT OR NOT. We are not doctors, nor are we pregnancy tests. Worrying constantly and stressing out about it CAN make her period late, so, if you're worried that she might be pregnant, get her to take a pregnancy test or to visit her doctor to have a test done there.

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