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Re: Questions for the LGBT People 'Round Here -
March 6th 2012, 08:05 PM
Hey Julia. =)
Around here, I consider myself pansexual, because in all truthfulness that's what I am, but offline people don't know what that means, so I say I'm bisexual. I knew that I'm attracted to multiple sexes probably when I was ten or eleven, but I didn't tell anyone and I didn't admit it to myself either. I'm Roman Catholic, and homosexuality is frowned upon, and I will be one of the ones to work to help change that.
I didn't really "come out" until this summer, and it was to one person. She was upset and crying because of something that made her different and she was terrified to be proud of it, so I told her that I'm bisexual(we were at an all-girl camp too, so it was a lot of fun xD). Since then, I've come out to all of my friends, two of my four siblings, everyone at school and I don't really hide it so I'm not sure how my parents haven't realized it yet.
In my case, being bisexual/pansexual(whatever term floats your boat) isn't a choice. My parents are very homophobic, as is a large percentage of my extended family. I've lost several friends and kids at school are cruel to the LGBT community. But I don't let it get to me, I can't. My sexuality is as natural and as much as a choice as being a redhead is(I'm not allowed to dye my hair, so I don't have a choice. =P). It's different, diffidently not normal in my conservative town, but I can't change how I was born.