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Re: Medication question - March 5th 2012, 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by daisyduck View Post
Invega is an atypical antipsychotic. I'm not sure about you but i get psychotic both when i'm depressed and when i'm manic which may be why they are choosing this medication. I also know that many antipsychotics can also be used to help treat bipolar disorder, such as the one i'm on right now.
Hey, I get psychotic when I'm depressed or manic too. I used to be on zyprexa at one point, and resperidone at another. I hated them so much because I gained so much weight and felt like a zombie. All my limbs felt like they were full of wet sand and I just felt more depressed on them than I was before so I stopped taking them. Then the doctor told my parents to make sure I was swallowing them every night which made me dislike them more but I still wasn't taking them.
Eventually the doctor decided to give up on antipsychotics with me, but now I have a new one and she wants to try them. From what she says it sounds like she thinks I either rapid cycle or am usually in a mixed episode. I think I'm usually mixed but once in awhile I get a little peak of mania or a little peak of depression but then go back to mixed or normal.

I'm a bit scared of antipsychotics still though, last time I was on them I was 17 and I just recently got over the TD it gave me. It even made it hard to talk, what kind of medication that's supposed to help you makes it hard to talk?

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