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Re: How deep does a guy have to ejaculate to get a girl pregnant? - March 3rd 2012, 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by bitesize View Post
No, peeing does NOT wash out the sperm. Sorry but what kind of sex education did your school offer?? :/ Urine comes from a very different place and does not affect conception in any way.

And no matter how far you ejaculate into her, there is always a chance she can get pregnant. Even if you simply ejaculate onto the area, there is still a chance, albeit smaller.

If this is a current personal crisis I would suggest getting the morning-after pill ~ it is effective for up to 72 hours after intercourse.

Anytime an erect penis comes into contact with a vagina there is a possibility of pregnancy if it is at or near the time of ovulation. That's b/c it only takes one fast one.

During ejaculation, literally hundreds of millions of sperm are ejaculated (sperm cells are the smallest in the body!), and they are mobile, they any contact near the vaginal opening means they come into immediate contact with vaginal secretions...which act like a draw the sperm into the body. For sure, internal ejaculation reduces the distance they have to travel, thereby increasing the likelihood of fertilization. Still, any time there's an ejaculation near the vaginal opening, if there's an egg present..or if it's within approx. 4 days of ovulation...pregnancy is possible.

Urination is not at all a form of contraception...urine comes out an entirely different opening (girls have 3!, guys 2), even though that opening is near the opening of the vagina. Sperm make their way up the vagina and do not come into contact with the urethra (urine opening/pee hole).
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