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As eloquent as an elephant.
Average Joe
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Name: Jessica
Age: 31
Gender: Female

Posts: 138
Points: 11,179, Level: 15
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Join Date: February 24th 2012

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 1st 2012, 10:32 PM

Wanna know what happens to 16 year old sluts?
They get pregnant,
They get pitied,
They get nowhere.

^Enjoy your future life, you dumb whore.

You used to be my best friend. I seriously was unhealthy amounts of attached to you, and what'd you do? You went and fucked my brother? And lied about it, hid it from me. You stupid bitch. "She's never gonna find out?" Well, guess what, I found out, and I've never been the same. What great Christian people you are. I hope you burn in hell. Sure, you've owned up to that "sin," but what about the rest? You're such a good little Catholic girl, aren't you? What about Nate? And Harris? And Brandon, Dion, and your current boyfriend that you were in love with on day two? You. Are. A. Slut. And for some reason, finding that out tore me apart. I want you to hurt the way I did. I sheltered you from the pain. I bore the hell when I DID NOTHING WRONG. You are a fake, you are a fraud. You're living a lie. You don't impress me. you don't intimidate me. You just disgust me. You hide things from me like I'm some little prude who can't handle it. Well, maybe you're right. But it's not because I'm a prude, it's because I'm the one fucking person in your life who actually cared about you for YOU. Your parents don't care, your brother hates you, your current boyfriend(s) want you naked and sucking them off, and what did I want? I wanted you, your intelligent, charismatic personality. I wanted your loyalty. I treated you with nothing but maturity, and if I didn't, I always apologized. I was the friend to you that I wanted you to be for me. I led by example. I called you out on things that bothered me. I. TRIED. Can you say that? No. You can't. People are wrong about you. They are so fucking wrong. Someday someone will find out that you're just like everyone else, just like I did, and maybe they'll feel the letdown that I did. Continue your normal regime of going to church three times a week. What do you do there? Dream about how you can seduce your next victim? Seriously. I thought you were better. I was so, SO wrong. Dumb fucking bitch, why did you have to ruin my ignorance? I was so happy. I was okay with myself. You lied. LIAR. I just want to not be let down. Just once.
I'm tired of seeing your face every day. And when things get better... I forget. I dismiss all the ruin you've brought on. But then, someone mentions something that I SHOULD have known, by all respects, since we are inseparable from the outside, and it breaks my heart a little more. I can't get the hurt to go away. Why won't it go away?
I must have created an image of you that isn't really true. Sure, it's been a year. But want to know what?

I am so disappointed in you.

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