Originally Posted by kissfromarose
I am working on convincing my mum to let him do self defense or some sort of martial art but she is very 'anything can be solved peacefully and with good communication' so its taking some time.
If it helps for your argument, almost every single martial art encourages using violence as infrequent as possible, even those that are used by various armed forces. You could also mention that martial arts teaches respect, obedience, etc..., so even if trained, your brother would be more likely to use peaceful communication rather than throwing down. Your mother probably is afraid of him getting hurt, which unfortunately may happen in training. For example, where I train we have classes based on age and in the pre-teen class, one of the students accidentally gave a head kick that was a bit too powerful and the kid was definitely dazed but not knocked out cold despite wearing head protection and foot/shin guards. Perhaps you could show your mother some of the peaceful sides to martial arts or argue it could boost his confidence and improve his behaviour. I'm sure there are polls of how martial arts has/can affect people's lives on other sites, although if you don't care about her seeing
TH, there is a poll on
TH. It was in the General section although I think it was moved elsewhere.