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  (#5136 (permalink)) Old
missing you Offline
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Name: kevin
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Location: mental abyss

Posts: 2
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Join Date: February 25th 2012

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - February 26th 2012, 09:32 PM

I am so sorry for everything i have put you through, i just want you to know that i never meant for any of this to happen, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to wound you, i never meant to make things so hard for you, i never meant for it to be a struggle, i never meant to harm your pride. It took you breaking up with me to realize just how irrational i had become. you know me i can be immature more often than not, i am sorry i couldn't be the man you required, i am sorry i wasn't able to make the necessary transition to adulthood fast enough. I am sorry that now you are to afraid to even see me, where once we couldn't wait for the next chance to hold each other. I am sorry for dragging you into a relationship you otherwise would have probably avoided. If i could revert back six months to the man i was when we first fell in love i would in a heartbeat. this is why i cant give up, i must win you back, but first i must win myself back. please don't move on yet, give me the chance to mend this scar on our lives.
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