I began to question my sexuality right around when I turned fifteen. I had a best friend that I totally worshipped, and one night, when we were drunk, we made out. I really, really liked it, and it wasn't just the alcohol talking, either. It became confusing because I started developing a crush on my friend....but she was very straight, except for making out a little when she was drunk. For various reasons it didn't work out and the friendship ended.
However, my crush on her left me thinking I was probably bisexual. I began spending time with other
LGBT youth, and felt really at home with them. I really felt I was bisexual at times, but not at others. I called myself bisexual, but I was really back and forth on it.
Sure enough, I was 16, then 17, then 18 and I was pretty sure, but still uncertain. However, when I was 19, I met one of the most amazing women I have ever known. She is significantly older than me, but I find our spirits are so alike that it doesn't really matter. She became my girlfriend and the only woman I've ever been, or want to be, in love with.
We aren't together anymore, and it's not clear where things are going (it's a complicated story), but we are great friends, and still care a lot about each other. But it's the love I have for her, and the physical attraction I feel towards other women, that really opened my eyes and made me realize that yes, I am bisexual, and very proud of it.