Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
March 14th 2009, 05:06 PM
I needed help and I just wanted someone to listen to me, even if I'm angry, it doesn't mean I hate that person, I'm just going on emotion of what I'm feeling NOW. I'm aloud to be angry and hurt for a change when I helped the both of you through your hard times, and I just wanted someone to let me vent to and you let me down man. I've helped you out whenever I could. When you emailed me, I called you 6 times that night to make sure you were alright. And what did you do? You ducked all my calls even when you said you needed me. And now that I'm having a hard time, what do you do? You just leave and hide from me. You're a coward and not a man if you can act like a timid little boy who hides from people when they need you. You're not a friend of mine if you can just leave me when I needed help from my only "friend" right now.