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Megan1 Offline
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Re: Religion vs. Fairy Tales - February 21st 2012, 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by Rosana View Post
Don't you dare tell me I'm too weak to save myself, that I need someone else to save me. Because that is just not true.
I know this comment wasn't to me, but I wanted to tell you this anyways. I'm sure you were strong enough to save yourself from your Earthly problems and trials that you went through and get over them. However, Jesus came to save us from something much greater- hell. We are all sinners who would be going there to take the punishment for our sins, and there was no way to save ourselves from Jesus did it instead. He came and suffered to take our punishment for us and wash us clean from our sins so our souls will be sinless and we can go to Heaven when we die and be freed from all sadness and struggle forever. If we choose to be saved by believing that He did this then rose from the dead 3 days later to defeat our sins, confess Him as our Savior, and repent (have a change of mind to realize that God is right and sin is bad), we are saved from hell and can go to Heaven. THAT is something that we can't do ourselves. You can sometimes fix your little problems yourself, I don't doubt that, but God saved us from something so much bigger.
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