I think me and my girlfriend have herpes?, HELP! -
February 20th 2012, 04:11 PM
ok, so about 5 days ago me and my girlfriend decided we were both ready to lose our virginity to each other. But like idiots, we didn't think about using protection, then about 2-3 days after, i started having weird symptoms and i noticed these spot type things down in my genital area, i told my girlfriend straight away and she said that she's been having symptoms as well and has been having weird problems in her genital area. We are going to get checked soon but i've been researching and i'm not sure if i could have Canidida and that my girlfriend could have a yeast infection, but i'm not sure what we could have, but i just want to know if anyone has had experience like this?, because these symptoms can happen during a herpes breakout but i'm really not sure?
So please post below with any help, advice or even if you have had the same sort of experience.