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Re: Religion vs. Fairy Tales - February 19th 2012, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by Megan1 View Post
God is forgiving, but forgiveness is a gift. Just like with any gift, we have to accept it. If someone tries to give you a birthday gift and you say "no thanks" and walk away, you don't get the gift, right? They're most likely not going to hold you down and force you to take the gift, but they'll still be there offering it if you change your mind and come back to get it. That's how it is with God's gift of forgiveness. He wants you to accept Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to pay the punishment for your sins to save you and forgive you once and for all, but He's not going to force you to.
No, he just going to send all of us "sinners" to hell for eternity for not being lucky or blind enough to believe in one of many "true" gods. God's "forgiveness" means jack all when the alternative is torture in the basement.
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